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NMN12000: best 99% pure nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) 12000mg daily supplement, improves immune cells, attack cancer and virally infected cells in mice, protect heart, help liver and clear eyes.

3 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5

SKU: #001 - In Stock
3 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 53 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5 Reviews(45)


Customer Reviews (45)

What Is NMN?

NMN nicotinamide mononucleotide is the direct precursor of NAD+ molecules, repair DNA and generate cell energy. Taken orally, NMN is rapidly absorbed and converted to NAD+. In numerous studies, supplementation with NMN has increased NAD+ biosynthesis, suppressed age-related adipose tissue inflammation, enhanced insulin secretion and insulin action, improved mitochondrial function, improved neuronal function in the brain, and more. Supplementing NMN is an effective nutraceutical anti-aging intervention, with beneficial effects on a wide array of physiological functions.


Why choose Longoza NMN 12000?

* NMN Boost NAD+ Level

* NMN Improve Sleep Quality

* NMN Energize Your Body

* NMN Help Weight Loss

* NMN Promote Anti-Aging

* Trans-Resveratrol reduces inflammation & skin dryness

* Trans-Resveratrol boosts brain function & memory

* Trans-Resveratrol supports eyes, skin, hair and nails

* Alpha Lipoic Acid protects your cells from oxidative damage

* Alpha Lipoic Acid helps rejuvenate your cells

* Berberine assists in controlling body glucose levels

* Berberine boosts the immune system

* Curcumin supports a healthy inflammation response

* Curcumin helps promote joint comfort

* ……


NMN Benefits


Energy Support

NMN supplement helps to Defend our cells’ health & Boost NAD+ levels to optimal levels to provide you with the added energy you need to power through the day say goodbye to those Groggy and Depressed days.



Help Anti- Aging

As getting old, Mitochondria will reduce, leading to slower cellular metabolism. NMN will activating metabolism deep in your cells. By reducing the cellular effects of aging by elevating NAD+. It helpa reverse some of the losses that occur with age.

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Improve Sleep

Our NMN 12000 capsules are simple addition to your health routine. NMN supplement can help improve the quality of your sleep. This helpe to promote a positive mood, support mental performance, and fight cognitive decline.

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Youthful Life

Keep Youthfully and Alive

NMN supplement will help to replenish NAD in the body to replenish you with extra energy and make you full of energy throughout the day. You will feel sustaining energy throughout the day.


NMN 12000 Benefits

Energize your body, Revitalize cells, Increase NAD levels, Lower Metabolic stress, Anti-aging, Healthier aging process, Youthful NAD levels, Improve Muscle strength, Energize cells, Improve Cellular repair, Improve Cellular metabolism, Control blood glucose level, Help cardiological function, Improve joint comfort.

43 Responses to “NMN12000: best 99% pure nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) 12000mg daily supplement, improves immune cells, attack cancer and virally infected cells in mice, protect heart, help liver and clear eyes.”
    • By :

      When I first started consuming ONLY this, I felt like a million bucks. Lots of energy for the first time in years. A champ. Then I screwed up my regimen by taking another brand, and also like Elysium a nicotinamide riboside plus pterostilbene.. I’ve not regained that initial wonderful energy boost and normalcy of feeling youthfulness since then. Unfortunately, according to dosing Dr David Sinclair is using in trials at Harvard et Al, you “could” utilize up to 1gram daily of NmN. That makes this product really pricey. It should be minimum twice as strong. But I think it’s a good one. My experience is exactly as others stated.. other products may not have the purity of this one. I’ll report back on my restaurant and experience s but it may be two months. All the research really really point to NmN as being vital to anyone wishing to turn back the clock and regain youthfulness and energy levels.

    • By :

      I have not done a lot of studying on this product but if it can give me more clarity and energy I decided to give it a try. Have noticed a difference in my daily routines, as it gives me more clarity and I don’t feel as foggy in my mind. Would recommend this product for it’s value and price!

    • By :

      Before taking this product I had a lot of hip and knee pain. My husband has been taking these for a while and I decided to give it a chance. Within a day or two I noticed that those pains were gone! I also do horseback riding and notice that my healing time between rides has diminished significantly.

    • By :

      Tried this product with skepticism, to see if it would help with knee pain. I have almost no meniscus in one knee and had chronic pain due to stress reaction in the bone. By the 3rd day, the pain was almost completely gone. Been using it for 4 months. I also noticed that my legs just feel younger – far less stiff at the beginning of a workout. This has been completely unexpected. I’m back to running ~65 miles per month, largely pain free.

    • By :

      MAAC10 NMN Nicotinamide Mononucleotide is the Best Brand for the price. I have been taking one capsule everyday since Sept 2019 and I’ve noticed an improvement in my thinking, energy level and arthritis pain. I’ve even noticed my hair becoming stronger and filling in where it seemed thinner.
      Its a powerful replacement of what we lose as we get older especially now in my 50s. It turns back the clock and gives new life to cells. A Wonderful product I keep on order!

    • By :

      Ive been using this for over a year, and the increase in stamina, and decrease in mild aches and pains was notable. Using 2-3 capsules daily- which is closer to what the studies used. The only drawback is ALL NR is made by Chromadex, even if licensed to other brands, so its over priced….. That said, Im using it daily and I am a believer in this stuff.

    • By :

      Only a week using NMN but impressed so far! I wake up clearer headed and energy seems to remain consistent through day. I have had veiney patch on one cheek for 15 years…seems to be diminishing.

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      I loved the way it’s making me feel. I don’t feel sluggish and tired. I believe it’s replaced vitamins my body was lacking. I don’t eat many greens in my daily diet, and this definitely made my body improve. Because I felt more energetic I also moved around a lot more and felt like maybe I was losing some weight. I really like that I don’t get any nasty taste when burping either. It’s as if I didn’t take anything. I enjoy your products very much.

    • By :

      I have been using NMN supplement for 2 months and it has really made a difference in my life. I feel so much more energy and vigor then I have in years! My skin, hair and nails have also shown transformation! It seems to have even improved my back pain. It has been absolutely phenomenal! So happy I decided to give it a try!

    • By :

      I’m 54 and went for a stress test bc of an X-ray checking my shoulder showed calcified artery. Upon completion of my stress test, staff quickly scheduled me for an angiogram after giving me 2 more ECG’s before allowing me to leave the office. I’ve been a reasonably healthy eater (vegan for 10 yrs) most of my adult life and rarely eat animal product. My stress w work is extremely high, especially this COVID year. I began taking longoza NMN about the same time. Two wks later I was prepped for angiogram and possible surgery immediately after. Doctor went in and said he saw the blockage on X-ray and my poor stress test, but my heart not only looked good, it was actually younger than my given age. No blockage! Doctors and nurses were so happy, so I was kept in surgical room for recovery and they cranked up The Rolling Stones, “Start Me Up!” So, this is either a great story on its own, or NMN played a role in making this big turn on my arteries. I’ll never know for sure, but I’m a committed buyer!

    • By :

      I love this product since I started taking it I’ve noticed a big difference in my energy levels ,and it has help me to control my blood sugar levels , I would recommend trying the the product you will not be disappointed.

    • By :

      As one of the pioneers in longevity research, David challenged status quo and demonstrated that nature’s longevity genes seemed to be conserved throughout biology. This is good news, because the changes that occur with aging seem to be correctable later in life. This isn’t another self-help book with meal plans and shopping lists. Instead, it will guide you through the real challenges and progress on our path to not just living longer, but importantly, living healthier.
      Although this is plenty technical, it’s not an academic tome. Anyone, researcher or layman alike, will be able to follow the story thanks to the inclusion of so many personal accounts and reflections. After finishing, you will have a new perspective and hopefully realize that we have the ability right now to extend healthspan and the very real possibility of extending lifespan in the coming decade.

    • By :

      After learning about NMN and it’s possible effects from Harvard Study conducted by Dr. David Sinclair, I decided to give it a try. From the first day I tried it, I noticed a difference in my energy level. I’m 57 years old, and my metabolism appears to be changing for the better. I have not changed my diet habits, yet I am losing weight, 14 lbs in 4 weeks. That time span is indicative of permanent loss. My wife has lost 9 lbs, and she suffers from a rare disorder called Erythromelalgia, which causes the extremities to get very hot with neuropathic pain, and it is consistent. The Niacin part of the compound, in addition to her medicines, has made the pain lessen somewhat, and enabled more functionality.You know, I even believe some of my widespread gray hair has darkened without dye. It works You know – I don’t think I look 57 anymore either

    • By :

      After about 3 months of using 250 mg of NMN daily, I definitely feel less joint inflammation, and have more physical energy. I’m recommending this to all of my friends and family who are middle-aged or elderly and complaining about chronic pain and lower energy levels.

    • By :

      Only a week using NMN but impressed so far! I wake up clearer headed and energy seems to remain consistent through day. I have had veiney patch on one cheek for 15 years…seems to be diminishing.

    • By :

      I’ve experimented with many supplements over the years but have disliked the idea of taking (and paying) for a supplement long term. MNM from Longoza solves that problem – it’s an all-in-one product that circumvents the need for targeted supplements as it directly rejuvenates on the cellular level. I’ve felt a real and significant shift in my well-being and energetic levels. Great product!

    • By :

      This product delivers on the NMN promise. After 90 days of use my body fat has dropped to 14%, I both look and feel younger and healthier. I take 500 or 1000 mg daily (depending on cardio level) with 1 gr resveratrol and buttered coffee in the morning. I can hardly keep my weight up. For the first 2 months my body felt as though it were working overtime, I was a bit tired – similar to when you can tell your computer is working hard on a background task. I would also suggest added supplement of Taurine, Zync, and Advanced Living Calcium. Intermittent fasting works great with this NMN, but I have had to go back to 3 meals a day over 8 hours to keep from losing too much weight. Seriously.

    • By :

      Started taking NMN a little over a week ago and about 5 days in I started noticing my mood really changing. I found myself whistling and singing while I cooked at night. Some of my more trying coworkers didn’t seem to bother me as much. I noticed I was trotting up and down the stairs at work instead of trudging. It’s kind of weird. My girlfriend has noticed I just seem happier and less bothered by stuff. I love it! It’s a bit pricey for my budget, but I will continue to take it.

    • By :

      This is my 2nd bottle of NMN and I couldn’t wait to get it fast enough. My mental alertness has improved and feel less tired. My wife has also started taking it because she has seen a change in me. Great product!!

    • By :

      After taking the product for three days I immediately notice a boost in my energy plus I felt more alert and even a mode shift. Initially I thought I was just having a good day but I noticed when I increased my dose intake my energy shift had me doing things that I haven’t been able to due to being too tried.

    • By :

      My wife and I (42) have been taking this product for 6 months now. The effect was nice, more energy, mental clarity and both of us started looking younger. (Both of us had several coworkers tell us we looked younger, which was weird because we never talked about taking the product.) We both have extreme mental clarity, energy of a 20yr old and increased muscle mass with decreased recovery time (50% or more.) If you can afford it, Highly recommend the product. A true life changer.

    • By :

      NMN is a great supplements that shows a lot of promise. I’ve had conversations with biochemists who are researching NMN & NR, and they have said that NMN performance at least as well and sometimes better than NR in every study (not all have been published). Good price.

    • By :

      I need to clarify that I love this product.I decided to begin using this recently and it’s only been about two weeks and one thing i have been noticing is that i’m recalling my dreams much more and that they seem much more vivid. I hope this is a good sign of other positive impacts to come!

    • By :

      I have been taking NMN since October and have noticed many benefits including more energy, less fatigue, increased appetite, relief from dry eyes, etc. (I’m 66.)
      However, the most remarkable event has occurred. Our 20 year old cat has been on subcutaneous fluids for kidney problems for two years now. She would have died two years ago without that treatment. Two weeks ago I noticed she began losing weight and was smelling bad. Then she stopped eating and drinking. My wife and I began saying goodbye to our old friend. She was just skin and bones, lethargic and shutting down. At that point, with a “what is there to lose” frame of mind, I began giving her 125 mg NMN by mixing the powder from the capsule in water and squirting it into her mouth with a syringe. The next day she began drinking water. I kept giving her the NMN each day. On the third day she began nibbling food. After that, she began eating and drinking much greater amounts, has begun to urinate and defecate again. She is up and about, her eyes look bright. She is still weak but is much less wobbly. Every indication is that she is recovering from a hopeless situation.
      It seems like a miracle. Everyone is aware that pets live much shorter lives than we do. I have seen many pets go through this process of shutting down. When they stop eating and drinking, they don’t last much longer. This is the first effective thing I have been able to do to bring a pet back from this state, nothing else has ever worked before.

      Update: Although she bounced back, after two weeks she began to decline and after 3 weeks died. It is still remarkable that she bounced back from shutting down and within a day or so of death. We had an additional 3 weeks with her and that was special. She was probably too far gone, too emaciated, to completely recover. My wife and I have discussed using NMN on elderly pets before they begin to decline, especially if the price comes down.

    • By :

      I started taking this product several months ago as both a boost to my overall health and to improve my blood sugar and blood pressure. I’m happy to say that my last physical showed that I’m doing very well.This product appears to be high-quality, and I plan to continue taking it on a daily basis into the foreseeable future.

    • By :

      I’ve loved this supplement. I had never taken NMN before this but had read about it being a “fountain of youth” type of supplement. This is a product that needs to be taken long-term to really enjoy the benefits, but in the short term, I have noticeable and sustained energy boosts and a sharper mind throughout the day. I notice it on the days I miss my dose. I will definitely continue taking the product and look forward to seeing the effects in the long run.

    • By :

      I have only been taking them for a week, but I do seem to have more energy. I plan to purchase again.This product is high quality. It helps keep my blood pressure in the normal range. Added benefit is it helps blood sugar levels to stay low. And it helps reduce my inflammation. I’d recommend if you have any of those issues. Certainly discuss with your doctor to monitor you especially if you have prediabetes. Based on my reading it’s best to store in refrigerator ro keep its strength. Buy as needed to ensure quality.

    • By :

      I have been taking NMN since October and have noticed many benefits including more energy, less fatigue, increased appetite, relief from dry eyes, etc. (I’m 66.)
      However, the most remarkable event has occurred. Our 20 year old cat has been on subcutaneous fluids for kidney problems for two years now. She would have died two years ago without that treatment. Two weeks ago I noticed she began losing weight and was smelling bad. Then she stopped eating and drinking. My wife and I began saying goodbye to our old friend. She was just skin and bones, lethargic and shutting down. At that point, with a “what is there to lose” frame of mind, I began giving her 125 mg NMN by mixing the powder from the capsule in water and squirting it into her mouth with a syringe. The next day she began drinking water. I kept giving her the NMN each day. On the third day she began nibbling food. After that, she began eating and drinking much greater amounts, has begun to urinate and defecate again. She is up and about, her eyes look bright. She is still weak but is much less wobbly. Every indication is that she is recovering from a hopeless situation.
      It seems like a miracle. Everyone is aware that pets live much shorter lives than we do. I have seen many pets go through this process of shutting down. When they stop eating and drinking, they don’t last much longer. This is the first effective thing I have been able to do to bring a pet back from this state, nothing else has ever worked before.

      Update: Although she bounced back, after two weeks she began to decline and after 3 weeks died. It is still remarkable that she bounced back from shutting down and within a day or so of death. We had an additional 3 weeks with her and that was special. She was probably too far gone, too emaciated, to completely recover. My wife and I have discussed using NMN on elderly pets before they begin to decline, especially if the price comes down.

    • By :

      NMN is a good nutritional supplement for the extra benefit.

    • By :

      I have been taking this NMN product for three weeks and have seen an increase in my energy level. I exercise multiple times per week and I was beginning to become easily fatigued and noticed a lack of focus and ambition. Within a week of using this product, I felt my energy return during my workouts, as well as my creative focus at work. I’m thrilled with this product and look forward to next month’s order!

    • By :

      I have noticed some significant beneficial physical, biological, and biochemical benefits from the same. Included in the same is a better immune system, better general circulation, and an increase in mental acuity. The benefits from the same gradually appear over a period of time. I highly recommend this product but advise that you adjust the dose for your particular needs.

    • By :

      I have seen an increase in my energy level and my concentration and memory recall are improving. Hope to continue to see gains.

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      I have been taking this product for 3 months and have noticed a change in energy level.

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      NMN supplements have been amazing! Just two weeks after starting them, I was able to cut my caffeine consumption in half and have plenty of energy throughout the day. I’ll be incorporating these into my morning routine from now on.

    • By :

      So far it’s been great. I feel a slight energy boost shortly after taking my nmn. And after just a few days I noticed that my face in the morning just seemed a little more refreshed. And while the wrinkles are definitely still there on my forehead, they look less deep. It’s a subtle change early on but it makes me hopeful to see some positive effects long-term.

    • By :

      This NMN product really does work. I can feel the difference in my body upon waking and also feeling more sustained energy throughout the day.

    • By :

      I’ve only taken it for a few days and I already feel a little bit better. I have more energy now, which is great. I’m glad someone developed this product! it will take some time for me to notice any deeper effects of course.

    • By :

      this product is US made, high quality. I have been taking it for 10 days. I feel my energy is up all day long. I don’t drink coffee.
      Now i planning a lot physical activities during the week. I don’t feel like worn out. I will continue monitor the result. The delivery was quick too.

    • By :

      I just started using these but I feel more energized although the fall weather usually drags me down and I have a glow almost like I’ve had a facial. I’m loving them so far!

    • By :

      NMN is a compound related to vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinamide) and is well researched for its benefits in protecting cells and slowing the aging process.
      These capsules include an organic rice ingredient and are vegetable based.
      This is a little expensive but it is an effective aid for protecting your cells from stresses and it is free of any cheap fillers or unnecessary additives.

    • By :

      Affordable, rapid delivery of the product and excellent customer service.
      Still too early to determine if it is contributing to longevity but sleep cycle seems better when on it. Product quality seems reliable.
      Overall I have been impressed.

    • By :

      After watching a Joe Rogan podcast about aging with dr. Sinclair and doing some research I decided to dive into and tried NMN and Resveratrol.
      So far I’m feeling more energetic and can’t wait for the long run effects. Remember this takes time so take it as a routine for your elderly years.

    • By :

      I truly feel that this product has given me more energy! I feel like doing things I haven’t done in a long time like exercising. My mind is clearer, like the fog has lifted. I’m not back to where I was before this thing started 10 or so years ago, but I sure do feel better and I’ll take that! I feel like there’s hope that I don’t have to live like this the rest of my life. If you are thinking about it, just try it. You don’t have anything to lose and maybe a lot to gain!

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