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Happy Heart Capsule

1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5

SKU: #001 - In Stock
1 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 51 vote, average: 5.00 out of 5 Reviews(16)


Customer Reviews (16)

Product Introduction

What is Longoza Happy Heart Capsule?

Longoza Happy Heart Capsule contains exceptionally concentrated EPA, DHA and black pepper extractions, all of which is in the most bioavailable form. Longoza Happy Heart Capsule packaging ensures unrivalled protection against oxidation - each individual capsule is protected from exposure to air.


Active Ingredients


EPA levels are in constant demand around the body, with low EPA levels in adolescents and adults correlating with the development of mental health issues, heart problems, joint and bone conditions, as well as neurodegenerative conditions. In children, supplementing with EPA can help with behavior and academic performance, as well as help to support focus and attention.



DHA supports cardiovascular health. DHA is essential for the growth and functional development of the brain. DHA is also required for maintenance of normal brain. The consumption of DHA can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Black Pepper Extraction

Piperine is the main component of black pepper extraction. Piperine is considered a type of antioxidant that helps to lower the risk of chronic illnesses like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and neurological conditions.


Enjoy optimum health benefits with Longoza Happy Heart Capsule, which has one of the highest concentrated fish oil supplement available. Our products are made with superior-quality ingredients to help you achieve optimal health benefits. We go the extra mile to ensuring the ingredients are protected and precisely delivered within the body to optimize potency and absorption, which is the key to make you happy and healthy.

14 Responses to “Happy Heart Capsule”
    • By :

      I’m a 34 year old male with a family history of higher cholesterol. So I’ve been trying to watch it lately, and In February of 2021 my lipids came back with Cholesterol of 216. I started taking this for 2 months, and its now down to a 160!. Triglycerides were also lowered by 40 points. This stuff is the real deal! My father who is on statins, is now rethinking if he wants to try taking this stuff from now on!

    • By :

      I can’t recommend this product enough and I’m positive that it can extend life span! It works wonders for the cardiovascular your system. It improves your heart health, brain function and helps eradicate oxidative stress. Stress on the heart can be dooming and you don’t even see if coming half of the time.
      If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, any sort of brain fog or a general lack of energy, you need to get this product NOW! I’m younger but me and my dad both take it. His results have been great and I’m in the early preventative stages. Heart disease takes way too many lives and by the time you need the medication from the doctor, you’re already at such a high risk. Get a natural product that really makes a difference with this one.

    • By :

      I have been taking this product for 2 weeks and noticed my resting heart rate has decreased by almost 6 bpm. Impressed by the immediate results. I was recently diagnosed with mild COPD as a result of poor choices when younger (39 now) and working towards improving my cardiovascular system as the heart has to work harder when lungs are not working efficiently…heart and lungs work together! I’m very pleased with the effects and now started jogging 3 times a week to continue to improve and hopefully slow down progression of the disease in combination with healthier eating habits….i know I sound like a commercial.

    • By :

      I can’t recommend this product enough and I’m positive that it can extend life span! It works wonders for the cardiovascular your system. It improves your heart health, brain function and helps eradicate oxidative stress. Stress on the heart can be dooming and you don’t even see if coming half of the time.

    • By :

      I purchased this needing a daily supplement for my heart. I did my research and all reviews of this product seemed to push me in the right direction. It has everything your heart needs to maintain a healthy function and even has a veggie capsule which is easier to process into your system. All in all, start with 1 on the first day and then push up your dosage. I highly recommend.

    • By :

      Love love love … don’t know how I ever lived without it . I feel so much better . I have energy , I can sleep better . My body doesn’t hurt with aces and pains . I give this a

    • By :

      Love love love … don’t know how I ever lived without it . I feel so much better . I have energy , I can sleep better . My body doesn’t hurt with aces and pains . I give this a

    • By :

      So I am not sure if it’s from this product i buy it every month for months.
      I have had great lab results from my physician of my cholesterol, sugar , numbers ever since I have been using g this product. Highly highly recommended ….
      Buy it…. worth every penny…

    • By :

      I like knowing that this nmn supplement is helping my heart and keeping me from aging so quickly.

    • By :

      It works well for us… other friends and members of my family use it to and also have tried others for comparison and all of us have decided this is the ONE.
      it is one of the best things you can do to keep your Heart Health.

    • By :

      I had irregular heart beat for years until it got to be soooo nervewracking, I could hardly stand it.
      I had 3 stents inserted in heart valves and thought it might help with the problem. However, the blockages were made better but I still had irregular heart beats.and amazingly, within 2 weeks,
      my heart was beating regular again. Several people in my family have the same problem so they are taking it as well with great success.
      Thank you so much! It’s been 3 years now since my heart stents were put in and I’ve been having no problems what-so-ever….my doctor says I am his success story!

    • By :

      I read about this in the paper and as the Dr said after 7-10 days your body feels better all around

    • By :

      It’s safe, no side effects whatsoever, and lowered my cholesterol as effectively as the prescription medicine which negatively affected my stamina during exercise. I’ve had high cholesterol since my 50′s and had good but expensive results with chelation back then. I am now 67 and the combination of these supplements are working! I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to combine this with a healthy diet incorporating more produce on the plate

    • By :

      Great product, good reviews. Needed assistance with borderline cholesterol. This definitely lowered my cholesterol lab values within a month a had kept them down. Regular user. Heart history in family. So I’m saving my own life in any way I can.

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