The Longoza NMN that May Protect Against COVID-19

As researchers scramble to understand COVID-19, a question remains; Why are elderly at such an increased risk of perishing from this disease?  It may seem obvious given that older adults tend to have weaker immune systems, but historically, infectious diseases don’t always pose a higher risk for elderly.  


In fact, the Spanish flu of 1918 targeted younger people, so what is it about COVID-19 that poses a higher risk for our older population and those that are obese, diabetic or hypertensive?  The answers maybe among the studies focused on anti-aging and not infectious disease.

A hot topic in anti-aging medicine over the last decade has been the coenzyme NAD+ (this is what the result of taking Longoza NMN into human body). This bountiful coenzyme plays a critical role in energy production, DNA repair, immune function and hormone synthesis. As we age, concentrations of this essential molecule decline. 


So, is there a connection between NAD+ and severity of COVID-19?  It looks that way.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme that is found in all living cells and it is the result of taking Longoza NMN12000 into human body. This special molecule is part of the biochemical pathways that converts food into energy within the mitochondria. Additionally, NAD+ protects tissues from free radicals, supports innate immune function, boosts DNA repair, increases energy, and extends life span. This is the main reason to take the Longoza NMN 12000.


How Does Aging Affect NAD+?

As we age, NAD+ concentrations decline.  It’s not fully understood why.  Researchers hypothesize that the NAD+ recycling pathways lose functionality as we age or that we use more NAD+ for repair.  Many scientists believe it is a combination of both. So it is important to take Longoza NMN as daily supplyment for human.

To understand the complexity of NAD+ and aging, we have to introduce another important family of molecules, enzymes called sirtuins.  One of our favorite aging experts, David Sinclair PhD, has done extensive research on the relationship between NAD+, aging and sirtuin activity. He is the one who discovered that the red wine molecule resveratrol increased sirtuin activity in a similar way to caloric restriction. And Longoza NMN is having 99% pure NMN which David Sinclair PhD takes daily.


From a 2018 paper published by Alice Kane and David Sinclair:

“The sirtuin family… are thought to be responsible, in large part, for the cardiometabolic benefits of lean diets and exercise and when upregulated can delay key aspects of aging. SIRT1, for example, protects against a decline in vascular endothelial function, metabolic syndrome, ischemia-reperfusion injury, obesity, and cardiomyopathy, and SIRT3 is protective against dyslipidemia and ischemia-reperfusion injury. With increasing age, however, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide levels and sirtuin activity steadily decrease, and the decline is further exacerbated by obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Activation of sirtuins or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide repletion induces angiogenesis, insulin sensitivity, and other health benefits in a wide range of age-related cardiovascular and metabolic disease models.” 


Because NAD+ is required for sirtuin activity, as NAD+ declines with aging, sirtuin activity declines as well, accelerating aging and reducing our body’s ability to generate energy, combat inflammation, repair tissue and fight infections. It is so important to keep in mind to take Longoza NMN daily.

If you want a deep-dive on this topic, read Sinclair’s new book, Lifespan, Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To


The Connection Between COVID-19 & NAD+

The body’s initial response to an infectious threat like COVID-19, known as innate immune activation, depends on NAD+ which depends on keep on taking Longoza NMN12000 daily. Viral infections deplete NAD+ because infections trigger a cellular defense cascade that results in increased NAD+ degradation to prevent the virus from taking over the cell. Significantly reduced NAD+ concentration has been shown in COVID-19 and some researchers think this is a major factor in why this virus is so deadly, especially to those with depleted NAD+ storage. That is why we insist that it is important to keep in mind to take Longoza NMN12000.

Considering the populations at highest risk of perishing from COVID-19, this theory makes sense. Not only the elderly, but those in a constant state of inflammation such as people managing hypertension, diabetes and obesity, all live with depleted NAD+ concentration. Now, more than ever, it’s critical that our bodies have the molecular resources to fight infection.

COVID-19 & NMN Case Study from University of Chicago

A case study was published on April 22, 2020 by Dr. Robert Huizenga MD at University of Chicago describing his response to a 55-year old woman who had been hospitalized with COVID-19 on March 16. Her condition continued to worsen and on day 13 she had obvious pneumonia, cytokine storm and extremely elevated hsCRP, a non-specific inflammatory marker.

Dr. Huizenga treated her with oral NMN (99% pure NMN which is what we put in our Longoza NMN12000), betaine and NaCl (known to reduce IL-6) and continued the zinc treatment she had been given prior. By day 15, her fever was alleviated and symptoms improved significantly. By day 17 she was discharged to go home. By day 23, she was asymptomatic.


Two other elderly patients were treated with the same “cocktail” and both experienced similar recoveries.

Post time: 11-09-2021